Many of you know this already. On the Christian calendar, Christmas is not just one day. Instead, Christmas is a season lasting 12 days. Dec. 25 is Christmas, and so are the days following all the way until Jan. 6. Of course, we all remember the...
Unlike our secular calendars, which begin the New
Year on Jan. 1, the Christian new year begins about a
month earlier. This year, Nov. 27 marked the beginning
of the season of Advent and the Christian new year.
November is the season for our national
thanksgiving. Beginning with our Puritan ancestors and
continuing through the Civil War, when it became an
official date, we have set aside the fourth Thursday of
November as a day to express our gratitude.
Every fall the church asks our members and friends
to make an estimate of their giving to the church for the
coming year. In this way the Session can prepare an
operating budget based on anticipated receipts.