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July 2024 Newsletter


    Prior to my coming to the Kirk, I met with the presbytery’s Committee on Ministry to see if we might be a good “fit,” you and I. They had asked for my statement of faith, so I thought I would now share it with you.

    June 2024 Newsletter


      I am touched by the positive reports I have received to the news that I will be serving as the Transitional Pastor of the Kirk in the Pines. And I am humbled by the opportunity this position affords me in serving you and the Christ who calls us...

      May 2024 Newsletter


        Pentecost Sunday will be May 28 this year. Pentecost is the Greek name for the Jewish Festival of Weeks—Shavuot in Hebrew.

        April 2024 Newsletter


          All good things come to an end. And one of the best things, for Anne and me, has been serving the Kirk in the Pines. It has been my duty and delight to serve as your pastor these past seventeen and one-half years.

          March 2024 Newsletter


            Presbyterians at the Kirk will join almost a billion Christians all over the world and celebrate Easter this March 31st. We will have triumphant music with hymns and strong hallelujahs.

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