October 2024 Newsletter
Our potluck dinner and program Wednesday, September 11, was a wonderful event. Janet and I are grateful that you “honored” us in such a nice way.
Our potluck dinner and program Wednesday, September 11, was a wonderful event. Janet and I are grateful that you “honored” us in such a nice way.
Recently, representatives from Ministry Architects spent three days with us in what I like to refer to as a “time of listening.”
My first two newsletter pieces were largely inspirational in nature. Though I hardly equate my communications with scripture, as I sit down to compose these I wonder what it might have been like for the Apostle Paul to write the various...
Prior to my coming to the Kirk, I met with the presbytery’s Committee on Ministry to see if we might be a good “fit,” you and I. They had asked for my statement of faith, so I thought I would now share it with you.
I am touched by the positive reports I have received to the news that I will be serving as the Transitional Pastor of the Kirk in the Pines. And I am humbled by the opportunity this position affords me in serving you and the Christ who calls us...