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March 2020 Newsletter


    We share these days of Lent with Christians all over the world, in these 40 days of reflection and repentance. The intent of Lent is to remind us of our mortality in order that we might pay greater attention to life while it remains; to live...

    February 2020 Newsletter


      Ash Wednesday (Feb. 26 this year) marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. We will join Christians from all over the world as we mark ashes on our foreheads and remember the words from Genesis 3:19: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you...

      January 2020 Newsletter


        Traditionally, the New Year is a time to make a fresh start – to let go of past mistakes and try to make positive changes in our lives.

        December 2019 Newsletter


          As we approach this Christmas celebration, amidst the stresses and strains in our country, I am drawn to two stories, one historic, one literary.

          November 2019 Newsletter


            I have told and retold this story many times. It is a favorite. I first read it in The New York Times years ago (Nov 24, 1984). It concerned a man named Michael Greenberg who gave away gloves to those in need in New York City for 30 years...
