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July 2020 Newsletter


    I heard a story on National Public Radio a number of years ago. It was about the isolation felt by soldiers when they return home after serving in the front lines of combat.

    June 2020 Newsletter


      According to the church’s calendar, May 31 is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is the Greek name for the Jewish Festival Shavuot — the Feast of Weeks. It commemorates the giving of the Torah to Moses at Mt. Sinai. Shavuot is one of the three...

      May 2020 Newsletter


        I reread Hanns Lilje’s memoir this past month, a small book entitled, The Valley of the Shadow (1947). It is about his experiences as a political prisoner in World War II.

        April 2020 Newsletter


          By the time you read this Pastor’s Corner, worship services at the Kirk will have been canceled for three weeks due to the coronavirus. Writing this on March 15, it is still uncertain how things will unfold.

          March 2020 Newsletter


            We share these days of Lent with Christians all over the world, in these 40 days of reflection and repentance. The intent of Lent is to remind us of our mortality in order that we might pay greater attention to life while it remains; to live...
